The Jane Hatfield Award

Supporting the next generation of researchers and activists.

About The Jane Hatfield Award

We launched the Jane Hatfield Award in partnership with The Ubele Initiative CIC (‘Ubele’) in 2022. This is an annual grant of £5,000 for a team of young researchers to investigate issues or topics related to community, social action and/or social justice.

It’s with thanks to Impact on Urban Health and City Bridge Foundation for funding the award to our two project teams to explore the experiences, barriers and opportunities in social action and social entrepreneurship for young people of Black and Minoritised communities. 

Mirroring the award’s pilot year, we have decided to select the teams from within Ubele’s network of young people who had some prior experience of supporting research. Over the course of the award, we provide guidance, resources and platforms for project development and delivery to support the next generation of researchers and activists.

Meet the teams for 2024 and find out about their chosen research topics.

Jane Hatfield

The Award is named in memory and celebration of Jane Hatfield: Trustee and then Chair of IVAR from 2006 to 2021. She was a passionate and valued member of the voluntary sector. Her contributions strengthened the sector and included – among many things – supporting the next generation of researchers and activists. As Chair of IVAR, she advocated for the organisation to proactively support people in the early stages of their careers, and always pushed IVAR’s thinking.

With thanks to our funders and partner:


Social entrepreneurship as a reintegrative solution for ex-prison residents

ANS Research – The Jane Hatfield Award

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Barrier after barrier

Idaraya Life CIC and The Delicate Mind CIC – The Jane Hatfield Award

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The Jane Hatfield Award: Supporting the next generation of researchers and activists
Read more Blog

Meet last year’s researchers

Watch on YouTube: ANS team introduce themselves and their research in this short video.

About the authors of ‘Barrier after Barrier’

Nikhwat Marawat runs the award-winning mental health C.I.C, The Delicate Mind (TDM). TDM supports racialised and working-class communities nationwide and focuses on issues of structural inequality issues such as socio economics and racism. By providing material analysis to structural barriers across the U.K TDM seeks to reshape the mental health system.



Ayisatu Emore founded Idaraya Life CIC as a direct response to the gendered and racial health inequalities that became more apparent in 2020. It provides diverse, accessible and inclusive health and wellbeing activities to help women improve their quality of life through being physically active, learning stress management skills and craft skills.


Going forward, the team will be using their report ‘Barrier after Barrier’ for lobbying purposes and will be taking the recommendations from our interviewees to create an online tool that will be embedded in their respective websites: and This will act as a diagnostic toolkit to help individuals identify the best avenue to help them set up their own social vehicle and provide in-depth information that their interviewees have stated would have helped them along their journey for the purpose of helping others.


Social entrepreneurship as a reintegrative solution for ex-prison residents

ANS Research – The Jane Hatfield Award

Read more Publication
Barrier after barrier

Idaraya Life CIC and The Delicate Mind CIC – The Jane Hatfield Award

Read more Publication
The Jane Hatfield Award: Supporting the next generation of researchers and activists
Read more Blog

With thanks to the researchers for image use. Some images are stock.

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