Front cover image of Totally Socially Final Evaluation report

Totally Socially Final Evaluation

Totally Socially aims to support individuals and groups in local communities to turn their ideas into action and was initiated to provide demonstrable evidence of the value of putting communities in control. IVAR is the evaluation partner to Totally Socially.

In the Mid-Term Review (Jan–March 2019) we spoke to more than 30 people and groups who had been supported through Totally Socially to gather their feedback and reflections. There were some surprising results, in particular those around the changes that had been brought about in reducing social isolation and improving people’s health and well-being. In October 2019, we were asked to build on the mid-term findings by speaking to people in communities (some repeat conversations, others for the first time) to hone in on people’s experiences to better understand their journeys and ‘what it takes’ for people to make changes for themselves. This is the final research report of that evaluation.


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whois: Andy White Freelance WordPress Developer London