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Thinking about… Merger
This publication is written for voluntary organisations considering merger as a possible option. Thinking about… merger is not a guide to financial aspects of merger, nor is it a step-by-step ‘toolkit’. Instead, it brings together the experiences of a wide variety of voluntary organisations and advisors that have contemplated or carried out mergers to highlight different dimensions of ‘thinking about merger’: reasons for thinking about charity merger, stages in the process of merger (including legal aspects) and what can help to make a merger work.
A merger is one of the most challenging steps a voluntary organisation can make – aside perhaps from formation or closure. It can create tensions as well as excitement, be the cause of much debate and lead to permanent and irreversible change. Our research suggests that, in order to work, mergers should be treated with a degree of caution; they certainly need to be thought through patiently and carefully.
Thinking about… merger, has been jointly produced with Bates Wells & Braithwaite solicitors.