Focusing on what we can do

Briefing 5 on the challenges faced by VCSE leaders during the Covid-19 crisis

This fifth briefing reflects the experiences of 36 charities shared between 29 April and 11 May 2020, and our reflections on the questions and opportunities for funders that this raises.

Three concerns stood out as front of mind for VCSE leaders:

  1. How should they continue to adapt services and working practices in order to respond to changing/increasing beneficiary need?
  2. How can they plan at a time of huge uncertainty?
  3. How might they respond to reductions and pressures on organisational income?

What next?

You can read more about how other funders are working towards more open and trusting grant-making, and join our community of practice, at

Share the Leading in Uncertainty online peer support session dates with charity leaders, more details here:

Read the full series of Covid-19 briefings here.


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