
Harnessing the power of collaboration and partnerships.

While collaboration is a central feature of organisational life, it does come with challenges – both practical and emotional.

We have been facilitating collaboration since IVAR was founded in 2000 – between groups of charities or funders, and across sectors. We have helped organisations to walk away from collaborations that aren’t delivering value, and we have seen collaborations exceed all our expectations in the benefits they have brought to communities, children and families.

We hope that what we have learned, summarised below, serves you well in your own collaborative endeavours.

Where to start

Selecting the right structure

Collaboration can take different forms. Which structure is best suited to your needs?

  • Informal alliance: Based on good relationships and understanding, may be written but not contractual.
  • Contract-based alliance: A relationship underpinned by contract – sets out objectives, respective roles, cost-sharing and charging arrangements.
  • Joint venture: Parties establish a legal entity which they jointly own and control, for the purpose of undertaking specified functions.
  • Group structure: Parties agree to be controlled by a holding entity, which owns or controls the parties (subsidiaries can keep original identity).
  • Merger: Parties merge on whatever basis is agreed, creating a new entity (relative equality between parties) or by enlarging an existing entity (a takeover).

Working across sectors

We’ve been facilitating cross-sector partnerships to develop practical responses to local issues for over 15 years – most recently through Building Health Partnerships and Transforming Healthcare Together.

We have enabled groups to reach their most isolated and vulnerable community members, ensuring that services meet local needs.

Visit our Connecting health communities page for more resources on cross-sector working

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With thanks to Oasis Cardiff, Paul Coleman/Eden Project Communities and Peckham Big Lunch for the photos used on this page.

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