Five perspectives to celebrate three years of Open and Trusting


When IVAR launched the Open and Trusting Grant-making initiative back in 2021 our call was simple: for funders to adopt more open and trusting practices that make life easier for those they fund.

Three years on, we have seen some big shifts made in the world of grant funding – notably that, to date, 129 organisations are #FlexibleFunders and have pledged to our eight commitments.

It’s easy to say that change has happened, but it’s important to ask:

  • What does this look like and mean in reality?
  • What still needs improvement?

Helping to answer these questions are Gina Crane, Bruce Warnes and Emma Pears – all members of the Open and Trusting community.

In their blogs below, Gina and Bruce each give an insight into how and why their funding practices have changed and charity leader, Emma, describes why grant reporting is still far from plain sailing.

Reflecting on Open and Trusting from a different angle is Chantias Ford, from US organisation the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project. In her blog, she explains that while conversations about changing funding grant practice may seem repetitive or a ‘trend’, we need to continue to inspire action and achieve transformation.

We also hear from Ben Cairns, our Director, who has been there from the very start of Open and Trusting. As we enter our fourth year of the initiative, he shares four stand out reflections.

If you’re not already part of the Open and Trusting community, you can sign up for free and share the work you’re doing to reflect the eight commitments.

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Open and Trusting Grant-making

Join a community of funders adopting more open and trusting practices that make life easier for those they fund.

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