The Blue Thread small grants enquiry form
Applications and assessments resources
Read more PublicationSix principles for open and trusting application and assessment processes.
Sometimes funders make you feel like you are begging. But [an open and trusting grantmaker we worked with] said, “Come on board with us as a partner and you deliver the work and we support you”. It’s the equality of the partnership that I appreciate.
Funders need to redefine the way they think about risks. I think that the conversation should be more about safeguarding beneficiaries rather than risk to money or to the funder.
Funders should be more upfront about what they will and won’t fund and be clearer about the chances of receiving funding. Let’s have a phone call and, if I don’t have over 85% prospect of success, just tell me at the initial stage. Rather than wasting effort in terms of completing an application, if they were more open and say “yes, this is something we are unlikely to fund”, it would make things easier for us.
Funders just need to know that it’s the wisdom of asking the right questions – ones that help organisations think and develop the best programmes possible in a way that doesn’t make it incredibly difficult and time consuming. That’s the sweet spot.
With thanks to Help on Your Doorstep, Care for Children and Cambodian Children’s Trust who provided imagery used on this webpage.